The Wilderness Centre is an iconic venue in the Forest of Dean. Given its facilities, history, location and ecological vitality it is a natural place for people to connect with each other, and with Nature.

Our purpose is to support local people, the local community, the local economy and the natural environment.

Children and young people are at the heart of this vision. Building thriving lives through good mental and physical health with an appreciation of the natural world will be a central theme in the CBS and The Wilderness Centre’s programmes and activities.

Simply put, The Wilderness Centre has a unique potential to evolve into a pivotal community role.

About Us

The Wilderness Centre currently hosts many organisations from all over Gloucestershire providing important services, activities and opportunities for the community - all of which are at risk.

Wylderne CBS Limited understands that protecting this vital facility for current and future users of The Wilderness Centre is imperative. It will provide growth and generative opportunities for the community, develop skills and well-being for young people, preserve natural spaces and community access, and offer long-term stability for the community.

To be a part of this vision please register your interest in membership of Wylderne CBS Community Share Ownership by completing and submitting the form below.